A Quiz-Bang Event!
September 27, 2024
Last night saw our friends (and trusted fieldwork agency), Thinkfield, host a quiz night for all those involved in the Perth market research space. Hot on the heels of the Human Insights conference which Painted Dog attended and presented at in Sydney (which you can read about here if you missed it), they organised this event to bring the Perth market research industry together – it’s been a while since something like this was done in Perth!
We gladly accepted the invitation and Painted Dog was represented across two tables – the aptly named ‘High Paw-formers’, and the less on-brand but just as clever “Quiztina Aguileras”. Getting to meet and cross paths with fellow researchers, as well as many of our suppliers and clients involved in research was a highlight. After some networking and a moderate amount of talking shop, quizmaster Misola called us into the ring and the gloves were off. Food, animals, tech, and ‘round’ rounds – with various table tasks, lightning rounds, and between-round games – made for both a competitive and entertaining evening.
Just four points split first and last at the end of the evening, speaking to the calibre of the competition. However, we saw it as more than just a chance for bragging rights, so for the sake of the High Paw-formers, we won’t say which Painted Dog team came out on top.
A huge thank you to Thinkfield – especially Sandra who has been one of Painted Dog’s longest standing supporters – for organising and hosting the event, and to all attendees for making it such an enjoyable night of networking and quizzing. We love seeing the market research industry continue to thrive in Perth.