COVID Restrictions: Should I stay or should I go?
April 6, 2022
It was only one week ago when WA hit a high of 9,754 new COVID cases, but since Wednesday (March 30th) the number of new cases has been steadily decreasing. We started the week with only 6,028 new cases reported on Monday – and with COVID seemingly on its way down, we just had to ask West Aussies how they felt about the current restrictions.
As revealed by the West Australian, our People’s Voice Poll found that nearly a third of the population have had enough of both vaccination and mask mandates. To be precise, 29% are ready to ditch the vaccine mandate, and 30% are ready to say bye-bye to the latest in facial accessories. 1 in 3 West Aussies are also ready to rub shoulders with their neighbours again, with 35% wanting to get on without physical distancing or capacity limits.
Only time will tell when Marky Mark will decide to abolish the current restrictions, but while we navigate the current COVID climate make sure your voice is heard by joining RewardingViews and being a part of the next People’s Voice Poll!
To read more about the COVID situation in WA including our poll results visit:
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