Staff Spotlight: Noah!
August 13, 2024
This month’s staff spotlight falls on Noah, one of our Account Managers in the office. His website bio describes him perfectly even though it was written quite some time ago, “Infamous for his attention to detail and drive for perfection, Noah brings these traits, and more, to the Painted Dog pack. Noah’s attentive nature and quick wit set the basis for him to thrive on the client facing side of consultancy, and to build strong and successful working relationships.” But what else can we tell you? Take a read at how Noah answered the questions posed to him below:

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
The Roman Empire. And no this isn’t me buying into the viral trend – I am currently powering my way through Mike Duncan’s The History of Rome and now forgo any spare headspace to the Roman Empire. Who doesn’t drive along Mitchell Freeway Southbound thinking of Appius Claudius Caecus’ own Appian Way, originally linking Rome to Capua?
Which 2 Painted Dogs would you take to a deserted island and why?
This one’s easy! Liam and Bill. They’re both rather good on the old company front, and we share some common interests – great traits if we’re not looking to escape! Picturing this deserted island as a tropical one, we could fashion a cricket set out of sticks and any round-ish sort of fruit on offer (a small coconut even?) and host the first PDR test match that has been long in the works.
Survival skills may be lacking among these two (namely Bill), but that’s beside the point. If the test match happens to go awry and we turn to escaping said deserted island, we might have some hope yet. Bill’s pasty alabaster skin will likely be bright enough to catch and reflect the sunlight, alerting passing ships to our presence (providing the sun hasn’t yet turned him a Venetian red). Our biggest hope of escape and survival however is these two growing so sick of me (of both my humour and excellent cricketing ability culminating in a gritty 37* off 180 balls after day 1) that they will do ANYTHING to escape, MacGyver-ing their (our) way to safety.
If you were a food, what would you be and why?
An all you can eat buffet! Generous, hearty, reliable, adaptable, and diverse. You never know what you’re going to get, but you’re excited by the prospect of it. And even when you think you’ve had enough, you go back for more. However, others (Liam and Bill) would suggest this means you can only tolerate me for 2 hours before you’re ready to leave.
What’s your preferred method for incorporating humour into your workday?
Usually in any and every way possible. I’m a big fan of observational comedy, and have been flagged to have a consistently excellent comedic cadence. Turning the ordinary and mundane into something that resembles a joke or humorous situation is a big yes for me – not sure how this translates for others, but I’m certainly a BIG fan of my work. Come to think of it, so is Stef, who once said to me “you always make me laugh Noah. I’m not sure why but, because you’re not funny or anything…”
Also – big shout out to Sandra, who through Noah, is one of our biggest supporters on social media – we’re grateful for you!