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Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

May 24, 2021


Interesting things have been brewing at Painted Dog but this week is a tiny little bit bittersweet and also hugely exciting – two of our own are embarking on an adventure to Germany – and into parenthood!

Andrew, our head of Data Tech and his lovely partner Alex are packing their bags and relocating to the other side of the world – we would be more sad if this was the end for us but finding our head of DT in the epicentre of our supplier’s headquarters has opened up a world of possibilities and honestly there couldn’t be a more ‘right’ place to send him! We are very excited for them to become parents and wish them all the best – alles Gute!

Let the festivities begin! In all honestly, it was like the People team have been waiting for a Painted Dog baby to arrive – this event was a riot: super fun outfits, guess the nappy contents, german general knowledge and guessing which baby is which staff member.

Enjoy the following photos of Alex and Andrew embracing their ‘super fun outfits’ followed by some confusion over which baby is which and the first revolting nappy display (it was mustard disguised by green food colouring – cheeky!). Other delicious contenders included sweet potato hommus, nutella, anchovy paste (definitely the most stomach turning one), a well formed pate, dog food and possibly a couple of others I’ve tried to block out.

A huge thanks to the People team for yet another killer event with some new games and a heart felt congrats to our expecting couple, Alex and Andrew – we will miss you both! We wait with baited breath for baby photos and Andrew, we’re looking forward to business as usual with you when you’re settled! Viel Liebe xx