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We research everything…

March 3, 2017

Even our coffee mugs.

The last few months our beautiful porcelain mugs have been stained by an unknown beverage and it’s getting worse.

Since the sign went up this morning, there has been a lot of conjecture as to which beverage causes the most staining, why this happens, how to fix it and so on and so on. There was even a short story about teeth brushing post coffee, but dental hygiene is not the issue up for discussion (right now).

Most of the dogs are coffee lovers who enjoy a nice herbal tea so narrowing down the beverage culprit is difficult! Therefore we have created this experiment to find out once and for all who will be the greatest stainer of porcelain in the Painted Dog office.

The Dogs are competitive so naturally there has also been talk of choosing and voting for a winner. Results to be posted next week!